"To teach the Hebraic perspective of faith in and obedience to the One True Elohim."


Joined To HaShem Inc. exists for the purpose of teaching the Word of Elohim (God) from its foundational Hebraic perspective. Our focus is to uplift the person of Yeshua, our Messiah, His redemptive work and teachings which bring us into relationship with The Father. We also believe this relationship comes with responsibilites to the Land of Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters.

We cannot complete this mission alone. It is the faithful partners who underwrite our work on a monthly or one time basis who sustain the ongoing mission of this ministry and who will, according to the Word of Elohim, share with us in the glorious reward when we stand before His Almighty Presence.This ministry encompasses many facets. First, we are a teaching ministry as stated above. Avenues of teaching are web based video and audio as well as written commentary, which are available at no charge via our weekly email newsletter and web site archives. We also offer at no charge a wide variety of audio and video materials. Another aspect is to be an avenue of blessing to Israel and the Jewish people. Much of this work is done quietly and without fanfare. This is done as a scriptural command without strings attached. Our desire is to break down the walls of division and build bridges for dialogue, relationship and learning.We invite you to be a part of this work by becoming a monthly partner with us in prayer and financial support. We are a faith ministry, dependent on Yah's people to obey what the Mighty One of Israel asks of you. We have no foundation or denomination which underwrites us; no trust or grant which supplies our monthly support. In appreciation of your support we will send Mike's monthly teaching via CD or MP3.

This month's message:

"Tribute to Ms. Batya Wooten"

On February 26, 2025, Ms. Batya Wooten departed this earthly realm. It is hard to condense Batya's life as she lived it to its fullness. The lives she impacted are more numerous than she or we can ever image. Her flagship book “Who Is Israel” laterally defined people. This message came about through mutual friends, Craig and Jan O'Dell and myself sitting at their breakfast table and reminiscing about our time with Batya and how she impacted our lives.


Thank you for your commitment to share in the vision of this ministry.

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Donations are accepted with credit or debit card via secured server. Simply click on the amount that you would like to donate at the right and fill in the appropriate information. All information is kept in strict confidence.


Donations may be charged to your credit or debit card automatically each month. To inquire about setting up yours, send an email request to:

Note: All donations are tax deductible and receipted .

Checks may be sent to:


PO BOX 361

Franklin NC


828 349 2866