This tour is not your standard “see the holy sites” kind of tour. While you will do and see some things that are normal to tours, like seeing Jerusalem and other popular places, you will also explore Samaria-the Biblical heartland, Golan, the Negev, and more. The purpose of the tour is to enable you to fully connect with the Land of Israel, the People of Israel and most important, the God of Israel. You will see sites and connect to people that most visitors to Israel never get to experience. You will travel the land with a Bible in your hand and experience the Israel most never even dream to know . "When you connect with the land, the land will connect with you."
Your Tour Leader: Mikell Clayton
In March of 1998 I had the great privilege of going to Israel for the first time. My desire was not just to be a tourist, but to experience much more. My goals were twofold. First, I desired to touch the soil of the land that I had read about for so long, to see it as Abraham had looked upon it and to walk the steps that Yeshua had walked. Second, I wanted to feel the heartbeat of my brothers and sisters, the Jewish people.God honored my desires on that first trip and has done so now on 25 trips to Israel. .My desires have never changed from that first experience, but now it is my privilege to take others to The Land.Come be a part of the fulfillment of prophecy and this life changing event.The motto of our tour seems to be "other groups never come here" We will go to many places and meet many people most tourists never have a chance to see. From a walk in the Jerusalemmarket to a visit in the home of an Israeli friend, you just never know what appointments HaShem may have for us as we walk in His Neighborhood.
Your Tour Guide: Hanoch Young
Hanoch Young of KolYehuda, renowned international speaker and author, is one of Israel's most dynamic Tour Guides. Having been born and raised in the Bronx, New York, Hanoch was involved with many Jewish activist causes while living in the US. Since fulfilling his dream to move to Israel, he has expanded his work to focus upon Building Bridges among all lovers of Israel, worldwide.

If you have questions please call Mike @ 828 200 9925 or EMAIL