Hear, O Israel! YH VH Eloheinu, YH VH echad! Duet 6:4

It was over 10 years ago now that a dear friend Allan Stanfield introduced me to the practice of saying the Shema at 9AM and 3PM, the times of the Biblical offerings. I kept that practice for a while, but life got in the way. Sometime in 2016 I picked it back up and began sharing it with people. It has now become a growing movement going all over the world for people to set their phone alarms to their time zone, stop what they are doing and say the shema. Consider what may be happening in a Heavenly realm as this practice spreads over the Globe. We do not have a record of who is joining, no sign up sheets, just people who beleive we are living in the prophetic days of Ezekiel 37, the two sticks coming together in His hand, for His glory. If you would like to send an EMAIL and let us know you are are taking part, that would be great, but not required.
What is the Shema?
Deuteronmy 6:4 declares. "Sh'ma, Israel! YH VH Eloheinu, YH VH echad!" (Hear O Israel, The LORD your God, The LORD is One.) The Shema is not a prayer, but rather a declaration, a call to a people and a nation to return to their Creator. When you declare the Shema, you are calling to all who are being called by HaShem to return to who He is and declare His praise upon this earth.
Here is an amplified version of the Shema written by Barry Philips of Remnant of Yisrael
"So hear, grasp and comprehend, Yisrael, You covenant people chosen by YHWH, full of
colors, nations, and tribes, YHWH, He Who is Mercy and Lovingkindness is our very
own Elohim, our personal Creator and Judge Who will repay, this YHWH, the second
mentioning, the revealing of the first mentioned, Y'shuah, is a mystical and wondrous
unity of One; The first and the last together."
Shema sung by Exodus Road Band
Reciting of the Shema and brief teaching by Mike
Many people will face Jerusalem to say or sing the Shema. Some may say this is simply tradition. Take a look at the following verses before making that assumption.
1Kings 8:30 The Temple dedication
Daniel 6: 11 While Daniel is in exile and the Temple in Ruins
Psalm 138:2 Before the Temple was built